Headwaters is the name of our capital campaign. Every great body of water that exist has a beginning. The source of the water that runs amidst the tributaries and eventually flow into the great waters is called the Headwaters. We need your help. We need you to be our Headwaters.
The Theatre Downstream has been providing our audiences with quality family friendly entertainment for ten years and we are beginning our 11th season soon. We are very thankful for the partnership that we have shared with our local school system and for allowing us the use of their auditorium which we still plan on using at various times and in the interim. However, with the school's busy schedule and our desire to offer more community changing opportunities and events, it has led us to begin exciting plans for a space of our very own.
This can only happen when people like you, who believe in what we have been doing, stand with us and make this vision a reality. We know how the arts can and has made a difference in our county and local communities. Please help us with your generous tax deductible donation of any size below. Thank you for your continued support and for being part of our Headwaters.
Check out our pre-show Headwaters Campaign Video
Join us in leaving a legacy through your financial support of our community theatre. Together, we can build a brighter future for the arts in our community.
Please help us with your generous tax deductible donation of any size below. We look forward to providing our children and grandchildren with a local place to experience quality family friendly entertainment for decades to come.
Thank you for your continued support and for being part of our Headwaters.
Register today for 2025 Summer Theatre Camp, June 23-27. Camp is for students who have completed K-8th grade. Registration is $125 per camper. There is a multi-sibling discount as well. Hurry, as there is a limited number of registrations available.